Le site chinois « nciku » propose un dictionnaire chinois-anglais / anglais-chinois en ligne très complet. On peut entrer les mots chinois en caractère chinois, en pinyin ou même dessiner le caractère avec la souris.
The website “nciku” provides an online chinese-english / english-chinese very comprehensive dictionary. It is possible to enter either Chinese character or pinyin, or even to draw the Chinese character with the mouse.
《nciku》 网站提供一本很全面的在线汉法-法汉词典。

Les traductions sont accompagnées de nombreux exemples de phrases, ce qui permet de mieux comprendre les différentes significations d’un même mot chinois.( ci-dessous quelques exemples pour le mot 就 , pour ce mot il y a au total 4334 exemples proposés)
There are a lot of examples with the chinese translations, this make the various meanings of each Chinese characters more understandable. Hereafter some examples for the character 就 out of a total of 4334 proposed examples)
以下就是关于《就》这个字的一些例子。(关于《就》一共nciku 提供4334例子)。
It's only a few minutes' walk from here. → 附近
It isn't easy to start a business in the first place, but with all this endless red tape, it is all the more difficult. → 加上
He just doesn't want to go. Don't force him. → 嘛
That's the only mistake I made and you are always using it against me. → 拿捏
Let's go either to the dance or to the concert. I won't go anywhere else. → 要
Fight when you can win, move away when you can't. → 走
The apprentice was very happy when he thought of being able to make money on his own upon the conclusion of his apprenticeship. → 出徒
Une fonction de lecture synthétique de bonne qualité permet de lire les phrases en chinois.
A text-to-speech feature can read chinese sentences with a good speech quality.
Il est aussi possible de télécharger une barre d’outil qui s’intègre à « Internet Explorer ».
It is also possible to download a toolbar which can be added to “Internet explorer”.
还可以下载一个工具栏,可添加到《Internet Explorer》 。

On peut aussi avoir les traductions des caractères chinois ou des mots en promenant la souris sur n’importe qu’elle page web.
It is also possible to get the translation of any chinese character or word moving the mouse on any webpage.

Je trouve que ce site est un des meilleurs du genre et propose des outils faciles à utiliser.
I find that this website is one of the best in its category and provides user friendly tools.

The website “nciku” provides an online chinese-english / english-chinese very comprehensive dictionary. It is possible to enter either Chinese character or pinyin, or even to draw the Chinese character with the mouse.
《nciku》 网站提供一本很全面的在线汉法-法汉词典。

Les traductions sont accompagnées de nombreux exemples de phrases, ce qui permet de mieux comprendre les différentes significations d’un même mot chinois.( ci-dessous quelques exemples pour le mot 就 , pour ce mot il y a au total 4334 exemples proposés)
There are a lot of examples with the chinese translations, this make the various meanings of each Chinese characters more understandable. Hereafter some examples for the character 就 out of a total of 4334 proposed examples)
以下就是关于《就》这个字的一些例子。(关于《就》一共nciku 提供4334例子)。
It's only a few minutes' walk from here. → 附近
It isn't easy to start a business in the first place, but with all this endless red tape, it is all the more difficult. → 加上
He just doesn't want to go. Don't force him. → 嘛
That's the only mistake I made and you are always using it against me. → 拿捏
Let's go either to the dance or to the concert. I won't go anywhere else. → 要
Fight when you can win, move away when you can't. → 走
The apprentice was very happy when he thought of being able to make money on his own upon the conclusion of his apprenticeship. → 出徒
Une fonction de lecture synthétique de bonne qualité permet de lire les phrases en chinois.
A text-to-speech feature can read chinese sentences with a good speech quality.
Il est aussi possible de télécharger une barre d’outil qui s’intègre à « Internet Explorer ».
It is also possible to download a toolbar which can be added to “Internet explorer”.
还可以下载一个工具栏,可添加到《Internet Explorer》 。

On peut aussi avoir les traductions des caractères chinois ou des mots en promenant la souris sur n’importe qu’elle page web.
It is also possible to get the translation of any chinese character or word moving the mouse on any webpage.

Je trouve que ce site est un des meilleurs du genre et propose des outils faciles à utiliser.
I find that this website is one of the best in its category and provides user friendly tools.
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